My day at home.
Today at home I made some cookies it was fun because my fingers got all gooey when I made the balls for the cookies.
My confusing day!
At school it was a bit annoying because I had to sort out a lot of problems with my friends. The first problem was Diddy didn't play because when she got upset (in pretend) I took more notice of her and Nathan (my other friend) walked off.
My day at school.
Today at school we went to dancing.
As well we did large apparators.At school I played babys with my friends.
It was a fun day.
Am I the youngest blogger ever?
Hi Im Kittymau. Im six years old.My mom has a blog and I wanted one too.I love cats and I have a big black cat called Bee.He is so fat that he can't fit through his catflap.We got him from the Cats Protection home.I may get a kitten soonWe are moving house soon.We have already sold our house.I am upset to have to leave it, but I think it will be exciting to move house.We have not bought another house yet, because we could not find oneIt will be good to move house because I will be able to find my lost toys.I have lot's of toy cats in fact I have millions.Do you like my blog?